Frequently Asked Questions Permanent Camping/Seasonal Camping

My rental contract starts on 01.05.2021, can I arrive?

Yes, arrival for new permanent and seasonal campers is possible on 01.05.2021. You can arrive as scheduled and the reception is staffed, please follow all applicable regulations.

Are permanent and seasonal campers allowed to use the site?

Our permanent campers as well as seasonal campers are currently allowed to use the site. However, they are not currently allowed to have visitors or meet with other guests on the site.

What about people who have an annual guest card?

People who are registered with an annual guest card are allowed on the site, but only under current regulations:

Private gatherings are to be limited to one’s household and one other household, but no more than five people. Children up to 14 years of age are not counted. Couples are considered one household.

This does not apply to additional guests/visitors who are not registered.

Are permanent and seasonal camping guests allowed to use the site?

Our permanent camping guests as well as seasonal camping guests are currently allowed to use the site. However, it is not currently permitted to have visitors or to meet with other guests on the site.

Where can I find the current opening hours?

click here 

Can I receive visitors as a permanent or seasonal camper?

No, currently it is not possible to receive day guests.

What are the current rules of conduct on the campsite premises?

rules of conduct

Frequently Asked Questions Holiday Camping

Frequently Asked Questions Holiday Camping

Here you will find all the frequently asked questions about Corona and tourist accommodation.

Frequently Asked Questions Permanent Camping/Seasonal Camping

Frequently Asked Questions Permanent Camping/Seasonal Camping

Here you will find frequently asked questions about permanent camping and seasonal camping

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